Although the Oracle - Google Java lawsuit looks ugly, there is a possibility that something good comes out of it: full Java SE appications running on Android.
That would be an awesome success for Oracle since it is by nature (steward of Java) interested in running Java applications in Android devices. Devices shipping with Android (tablets with dual-core ARM processor and 512Mb to 1 GB of RAM) are powerful enough to run full Java applications, even with Swing. Desktop applications are quite common in the enterprise space and would make Android devices very appealing in this segment. Especially in the tablet form factor.
Due to the overwhelming success of Android, Oracle would gain a lot of possible support contracts for Java SE on Android (support contracts are the ones Oracle is usually after)
Oracle should get over the need for controlling where Java SE can go (it is currently not allowed on phones) and remove these restrictions. Most of them don't make any sense anyway.
Google and Oracle should work together to create a flawless SE JVM for Android (the Linux runtime is probably a good basis for that) and make sure that graphical Java programs (Swing) run nicely and feel native on Android. Sun has made a lot of optimizations for ARM Cortex A9 level processors, that work should not be lost.
Synergies between Java and Android are already very strong, this step would correct Google's original mistake of leaving out SE compatibility of Android (I know the reasons but still I think it was a big mistake nontheless).
Fine app for android thanks for the tip I am already experimenting in my android and perfect
VálaszTörlésa work in very nice.